Soul Talk with Psychic Medium Jenessa Elizabeth

This episode is jammed packed with the answers to so many of the questions mediums get asked everyday. We talk about everything from intuition to reincarnation to Starseeds and Indigo Children and more. You won't want to miss this episode with Jenessa Elizabeth, Northern California's #1 Psychic!


Hey everyone, welcome back to the You spiritual badass podcast. I am here with Jenessa. Not me this Janessa is from North California. She is the number one psychic in Northern California. And we have been friends for I don't know what two years because she Googled me while she Googled her own name and found me. Correct. So that's how this whole thing started. She has read me a couple times, and we've just gotten to be friends. And she's here, and we're going to talk about souls. But we'll get into that more in a minute. So welcome Janessa. And

so I'm a medium here in NorCal. And I live about an hour north of San Francisco. Been doing this the business for five years. Before that was 22 years drunk and bars, and I beautiful astral travel dream that helped me to quit being responsible to gift and to start doing as a business. And so I have I do not drink, why I do any readings since that point. Now, if it happens to happen in a bar, and intentionally, it's different story. But as far as, as far as planting go, I do not drink anymore while I do that. So it's all organic and completely fluid. And I love doing it.

Amazing. That's awesome. And I will tell everyone that's listening right now that she has been the only one that's completely completely blown my mind during a reading. So if you Where can people find you if they want to, you know, connect with you.

So I have the website, it's connect with spelled the same way as yours. We were so awesome. Yeah. And I'm also on all the social media platforms tick tock I do they talk videos, Instagram and Facebook, I think Twitter or whatever it's called now x. But besides that, that's how you can reach out to me. And so I'm on all those platforms.

Awesome. All right. So we were talking a few minutes ago before we hit record about a conversation that I had with my uncle recently. Where he was sitting with my aunt who was around the same age as he is he's in his late 70s 80s. And he looked at her and saw my grandmother, who has obviously passed on. And I said to him, what was probably her, you know, just popping in to say hi. And he asked me a really interesting question. He said, I don't like what what are your my beliefs? He asked me what my beliefs were on a soul. Like, does a soul if if I believed in reincarnation, how does a medium then talk to that same soul? So? And other things? Yeah. Yeah.

Here we go. Ready? So I got this question by somebody. I think it was a few months ago, I don't really remember where it was at. And, and then I did a podcast earlier. And the same question was asked. So it's very interesting how, like, certain things are in the crawl of people like it just that I feel like we're changing evolutionary anyways, as far as like our spirituality goes. So people who normally wouldn't go to mediums, or seek spirituality are really looking for questions and answers, because we're wondering, um, no, I think we're just shifting right. So this question was asked to me, and I was like, how would that work, like, if I love my grandmother, which I love my grandmother, if she crosses over and then comes back, I want her to be there for me when I pass away, like I want to see her again and be needed. As I'm getting older, or something happens if I start seeing I have a big belief that when you're close to your end of life, that's why he will start seeing people because that that veil gets very thin. So if your grandmother or grandfather or whoever mother or father happens to talk to their spouse, like in the daylight, they got days, if not hours, because that's such a it's such a comforting thing to feel like you're going home. So I asked him, I asked spirit, right. I was like, Yo, how does this work? If by some chance I died, and if she would she across come back? Is she like living her best life and like Germany, I don't know, whatever, and then get an answer. It was like no one said anything. So I was like, Cool. Thanks for abandoning me. So then I went to TJ Maxx, I walked into grabs and stuff. And I was in this one aisle at the body scrub aisle. And it was like a tap on my shoulder like not physical, but could feel it is like I haven't I have the response for you. And I was like, okay, to what? And I'm not kidding you multiple times. I will talk to myself in public. And that was walked by like, all right, she needs a vacation.

So that was like a live person that tapped you on the shoulder.

Yeah, it wasn't a live dead person. So it was like a real spirit. That was like, was like I have the because I asked for it. I specifically said, can you guys let me know when there's a response to how this all works? Because people want to know, they come in here, and they are like to cross over and come back or whatever. So this made a lot of sense to me. It was just filled up very simply, we don't come back until we are the bloodline so deluded as far as who knows us. So that would mean like, I don't know my great great grandmother. I don't know her I don't know of her I don't have stories or earth memories, or there's no lineage still talking about her with a miss her what her need her. It would be that would be that would be when you choose to reincarnate, because there's no one waiting for you. There's no pole, to have expectations to give you closure, or comfort or anything. So I was like, Oh, that makes a lot of sense. So like, my great grandmother, I know her, but like, my kids don't know her. So then by the time that my kit, I die, she could go okay, I'm going to come back now I'm ready for my next lesson or my next experience, or whatever the case is. So it made a lot of sense. For me, it was just like that, that that correlated with logic, you know, logic in this industry?

In this space? Yes. That space. So while we're talking, there's a cardinal in my, in my right now on my window in my bird, little bird feeder.

So my grandma used to collect Cardinals. Yeah, that's, like, just sitting there hanging out eating it's little seeds. That's amazing. Because I really was, thanks. I'm going through stuff in life, like we all do. And I'm looking for signs for her. And I don't get them. And I don't normally get them from her. To me. It's through other people. So it'd make a lot of sense,

huh, nice. Yeah. Very cool. So, so I feel like that is like one line of how spirit kind of acts in a lineage. Right? Right. So what I said to my uncle was, is that it's my belief that we're all energy, right? We're all part of this collective consciousness. Right? And that, you know, when we, when we leave Earth, our soul spirit energy goes to back to collective consciousness to kind of integrate all the lessons that we've learned into, into collective consciousness. So everyone can, you know, rise and elevate in or whatever you want to. However, you want to say it.

Right. So there's plenty to it.

Yeah. So that those little pieces of collective consciousness have the energy that I my body held here on Earth, right? So the reason why my energy could and that's why I believe that that's how my energy can reincarnate into whoever down the line. Right? And also be read by a medium. Right? Okay, you know what I'm saying? Like, on salt, like, I feel like so I'm gonna kind of bring religion into this just a little bit. When I was growing up, my grandmother went to church all the time. God was a being that's how I was taught. Right? It was one person and I'm air quoting here. Because when I was little, that's what I thought because that's what they you know, everyone made it sound like God was a person that was up in heaven waiting for us and the father of Jesus right. Now, I believe that it you know, God is everything. Right?

Right. So it's like it's like a word a term to cover a lot of bases of I. Yeah, my mentor is now passed in she are in her readings and her books and her as a medium as psychic. She always referred like angels and God's not in the Scripture. And I And as much as I love her so much, and usually when I talk about her she comes in to come through what I hear. may happen, is like It is well known. So everyone knows I'm not everyone, but I know Sylvia Browne is. So being mentor. It's one of those things where I wondered if it was the easiest way to articulate to the masses, what you're trying to explain. So by saying certain words like angels, God, everyone understands you don't have to explain it. I've chosen a different way of doing that. I do not say God or angels, I call them washers and going home. And the idea of the lessons being learned here like to explain to people that there's no difference between a murderer and a murdered person at all. Now, granted in this world, I guarantee you someone killed someone I love is just not going to, I will have no reserve because that's my earthbound emotions, right? Anger and frustration and, and all that stuff, right. But I understand that still, like in order to become a murderer, you have to go through a lot of things in life to create that person. You don't just wake up one day like you were I'm like, yo, I said, it's time for me to kill somebody. List, you have to go through poverty, abuse, neglect, all those things have to happen to create that, that souls change into whatever the version of that is, or, or just people who make dumb decisions based off of, you know, ingestion of things etc. Same goes for a person who has a murdered person, like I've met people in this world, I clearly know for a fact that they were probably a victim in the past life. Because their defense, they're walking through life ready to defend, ready to fight, ready to honor right to protect their loved ones at any cost, because they've already been through that experience. And you can see me you all the time, not like just assign things, you know, you're a Taurus, or Libra or Capricorn or Scorpio, these are actually those are parts of the elements but like, it's like you can you know, when you meet somebody raft jumpstart that you do not can I swear on here? Yes. Okay. So you know, if you fuck with, you just know, right off the bat, they don't have any, they have no boundaries, when it comes to defending their people than anyone who will, you know, are clearly victims, they have never experienced to be not vulnerable and not not self aware. They're just like those people that take advantage of. So I don't know, I think that we just we go home, we download things to home, like, again, with the whole God idea, or the god premise is that there probably is much higher spirits who have went through the chains for many, many, many, many, many years. And they they are protectors, they never want to give us a place to we go home to understand and to, like, the most ultimate level of spirituality, I always say I'm not coming back. I think I'm done. I think I I don't think I'm coming back. I just think that I've done enough. But I'm not the highest spiritual person. But I definitely know that I feel tired. You know, and I feel like I've done all this stuff many, many, many times. And without so anyway, that's my theory on the thought home thing, if you will. Yeah.

So what is your what are your thoughts about multiple lives being lived at once?

lived at once? So like, mine's, like, at the same exact time?

Yeah. So if I were to say, like, I believe that there is a higher self that has been there, done that in this timeline for you. So if I, you know, talk to my higher self in this timeline, than I can maybe move my lessons or move my goals or objectives or whatever, along faster in this lifetime. But there are other many people that also feel that there are multiple timelines. So if you make a decision, right, right, to go left instead of right, in this lifetime, but what happens if you made any other decision?

Yeah, I don't, I don't know. I feel like I feel like one more here we're now tapping into your to your higher self will be for us old souls or older souls or mid range whenever whenever you've had more than one life. I feel like that's just tapping into knowledge of your past experiences. Like you are literally dialing in like so what's up? Is this the right thing? Am I Am I the right moment? Am I making the right choices? Have I this feels very familiar. You haven't done this before. That made this bad decision before I made this good decision before. So it's like almost like you just sit in a meditation state. And we just do things that are like really tapping into the experience of already learned prior and then deciding do I make that same choice again? Hello, making the same decisions by If Central or I cannot get down with this, I personally I don't I know everyone has their feelings. I can't get down with multiple layers at once. I think that's not messy, but it's just not honoring that you are. You're in this journey, for whatever reason to be solely in it. 100% and tapping into any old experiences if you're a new soul, man, people love being old souls live when I call them an old soul, like, thinks I know. And I'm like, really? Aren't you a little exhausted with that, like, I really liked these new souls. They're, they're spastic, and they're super creative. And they have this great way of saying the same problem that all of us old souls have been trying to solve for centuries. They're like, we're all staying staring. Right? Right, we're staring right? Looking at the same problem. We're like, I cannot fix and they come in with their little young selves. They're like, put your head that way. And then you see the difference. And we're like, dude, how do you figure that out? But it's fucking amazing. So for me, I really used it. I was on the same place back in my day, where I'm an old soul. And I'm like, yeah, no, dude, I am vocal. Bring your own soul energy. Bring me that the new way of thinking and looking because I need growth. So tell me what you guys are seeing that's so different than what we're seeing. And this goes for every facet, like, politics, religion, spirituality, sexuality. I just got stuck in the rut of like the same thing all the time. And having these new young souls simply say things to me. There was a friend of mine, son, Oh, yeah. My business partner, her son and her daughter were playing. And one question she asked me, Why do you always dress in the female clothes? You know, questioning, wondering, well, whatever. And he looked at her knees like, the can't pretend to be a boy, mom. I already am one. Huh? I just stepped back on the phone. And I was like, oh, yeah, right. Right, Mike dropped. That should be on something somewhere for people to see, it was so simplistic, that when he plays with his little sister, and they're playing house, or they're playing like whatever the store at the grocery store, he can't just be himself that would be just being himself. He was so sick and so beautiful. And that's what I'm saying that young soul energy those, these these children who are coming through with all this new wisdom, they have no idea they even have, because they're only seeing it without any filters that we've created. And it was just so I don't know, I can't get down with the multiple timelines, I just want to be super stuck in whatever I've chosen to be in right now. And ride that or till the wheels fall off. And I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that. It's a little exhausting. It's all right.

Yeah. Okay. So we can't get down with multiple timelines or multiple

tapping into the old one, though, because, one, I think you're tapping into the spirit to watch over your family, friends who passed and also your own spirit guides, right? I totally get that. That is usually something that I look back on multiple times in our life. And we're like, to it, I knew it. I knew it. Someone was telling me not to go to that party, or not to get the car today, or I should have, you know, pick that number or whatever the thing is, and we just don't listen to it because we're stubborn, and we're human. And so we know. We don't giving grace over to this, your intuition is it's taking me 45 years to really succumb to just going alright, I'm gonna live today. Probably about 80% by intuition in the Twin senses beeping guitars.

Yeah, yeah, the other 20% For me, it's just like, autopilot.

Yeah, I know. That it's, you're right. It's, yeah, it's the way we are. We're kind of like groomed a certain way to kind of say yes, and do certain things and not go off intuition and then look back and regret it. So this is my year of go and using intuition only to make decisions and it's serving me

very well. Yeah, that's amazing. I love that. I love that. I actually feel like I was more in tune with my intuition. Like, and then you know, the business kind of got a lot kind of like, lose that. Like I don't want to say I lost it because I know it's there. I know I can tap back into it any time but sometimes you you override it because things are like this have done these all these little things have to get done. It's like boom, and your logical brain has to like, take over and you're like wait, I don't want to use my lunch.

You know, that's, that's kind of how I felt. Like I felt like with my business, I was no longer tapping into my personal life. So my Personal life went into autopilot. Life went on to get on the treadmill, drink your blue smoothie, lose weight, drink your water, you know, brush your teeth get seven to eight hours of sleep you can. And it was like, that's all I was doing. And I kind of started missing, like intimacy and affection. And I missed just listening and absorbing and like being present in the moment. But yeah, office, I was like giving people daily, six times, six times, six days a week, three times a day, plus group readings. I'm giving them all this beautiful feeling and healing. Right. So I get it. One of the other fields like can't be fine. Sorry, combined. So I just I agree on that. It just depends on what side you're talking about. For me, it was all business no personal. And then I lost myself like, just my feelings and emotions towards anything.

Yeah, so. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's been definitely tapping me on the shoulder going, you gotta tap back in. Okay, you gotta do this, get back to those morning rituals, or whatever it is like. Yeah, absolutely. All right. So back to the kind of multiple I get, I get that, you know, I can understand where you're coming from where you say, you can't get down with the multiple timelines. But do you believe that our soul has, or our higher self, or the soul contract that we made when we came down here, we already know, everything that's going to happen in this life. Like, before we come and then we forget, so that we can go through it.

I feel like we have like a set of I had this astral travel dream when I was like 13 or 14, my grandparents had passed away at my adoptive dad side. And I've only had the astral travel dream now, six or seven times about whole life. So as I can, as I'd have them, I knew that they were extremely important. They weren't like a dream. They weren't. I knew every detail. I knew every number, every word. I knew how important things where I felt very comfortable being there. I've been there before. So this one was like 13 or 14 years old, I think. And, and I walked into the Brady Bunch house, into the kitchen. And then my grandmother was staying there. And she had one of those like, you know, the, what do you call it the blueprints that the dad would have on the TV show? In fact, she had out my blueprint super long. And it was like, Oh, I couldn't even see the end of it. And she stood in front of it. And my grandpa was set aside, I never talked to him, usually because he was from Latvia. And he just didn't really talk to anyone ever. And so, but she did. And so she sits there and she unraveled it. And I was like, what is that? And she like this your blueprint? This is where you're at right now. And she pointed to like, the first quarter of it. And I was like, Oh, really. And she and I couldn't quite it was like hieroglyphics you couldn't quite read? What like I could see the English words beforehand. But after I couldn't really understand what the words were, it was like weird to look at. And she goes, this is where you're going. And I was like, Well, what am I going and she's like, You can't know that. But you'll see if you look, just glance, you'll see giant spikes that you've agreed to. So far. Everything else in between as part of your lessons, you have to just learn, like loosely or just like, organically. And so I'm like looking down on like, what is that spike? And what is that's huge. And she's like, that's your most important spike. That is when everything changes for you. And I can't tell you what it is. But it's significant. I thought that being a kid, that was my death line, that I realized that humongous spike then had like 15 more significant spikes, but not as tall as that one. And so it was like, obviously bullet points that you're supposed to go through that are already set in motion, I guess. But the old beginning in the end, and the big one from the middle and everything else is a variable, I think so you don't ever shift from your death, you're not going to shift from significant milestones that you know, are humongous decisions you're making. So everything else in the middle is just like, I guess variables to what you're gonna go through. And it was kind of scary, and it was kind of overwhelming. But I felt very comfortable knowing that she had me like that. And that I was I still a long time to go, which should have sent me to a place where I didn't think I was gonna die at 21 and 28 and 32. Because I've always been like I'm dying at atm diamonds when he went. That was a personal thing I did to myself not not that blueprint. So it was it was interesting. So I think that we do get set. We have set things we're supposed to learn here. How we find out that place. I don't know. So I'm supposed to have sexual assault. So my soul learns what sexual assault is. I've heard it multiple times. So apparently I'm supposed to have it and I've had it. So hopefully doesn't ever happen again. Right but let's just say that was part of the thing I had to learn because one doesn't happen. That's a variable,

huh? Yeah, and

that was like all totally organic thought process right there.

Yeah. No, I love that.

I'm like wow.

Like, like channeled as you were talking? Yeah. As you were talking I I like in my head. I don't know heard thought still trying to figure that part out here. I'm in between your spikes you're supposed to find joy

Yes. preach, preach. Yeah, that's a new concept.

Yeah to you or it

for you for me for probably every human being on the planet. You know everyone writes like the memes on social media like find your joy, have gratitude Be humble, Be present in the moment. And it's like we all say that, but when we actually do it, it's it's it is all those words together. I've just recently been there where I've really put myself this month into, like, every experience I have, I stop. And I just like experience, I just listen. And I feel and I taste and I, I visualize and I look, I smell and I'm like I'm in this place where it's like, a more I'm running very slow for a reason. And it's been really interesting to be in places where I'm really finding joy in this in the smallest things and and honestly finding joy, not just saying I found joy, but like really joy in like, how I like what I'm tasting or what I'm experiencing or what I'm hearing. And it's been I don't know, it's been interesting, because if you're I don't think you're wrong. I think joy is just something we take for granted. And we act like we're having we plan joy, right? You plan vacations, you plan, date nights with your partner, you plan trips to the kids, you plan holidays, who plan plan plan. And a lot of times during this when the event occurs, it's hectic and crazy and stressful. And but then you have other moments when you're just like, wow, this feels so good. Like, I laid in our tree a few weeks ago with the shoes off. And I was laying there looking up in the tree. And I was like, I feel so joyful right now. Like, it smells so good out here. And it's so beautiful. And like, it's quiet. And I can think and I was like I didn't even plan this. I like pulled my car over just did it for at first and doing it. I was in heels in full makeup. So just like having a mental breakdown. Because this woman being a victim, possibly, possibly, but I wasn't. So yeah, just felt the moment to do it. And again, following intuition was a big deal. My gut was like, pull over, stop for a minute, freeze. And not because you're panicking, just trust me on this. And I did and it was beautiful. I found joy in that little spike.

I love that. And I got I got into a hammock, like for the very first time in my entire life. Probably like, a couple months ago. And I hit him that him I can I was like, I don't even know how to describe this feeling because I I feel like I really feel like that's what joy is when you can't. It's so good. You can't even describe the

feeling. Yes, yes, it is. It's yeah, it's a we don't have enough of those experiences to compare almost like how good it feels to not have tie reason. So like you're having a moment. And then you just feel so elated and you feel so free and you feel so good. That is all encompassing the joy and it could be the stupidest thing. Like I went out was hot here one night. I mean, grand summer, shocker. And I took my son I went, we had dinner and I said get in the car. We're gonna that like froze like ice cream saucer. And so we got there. And I was like, we're sitting out front of the place, eating ice cream, and it was like, hot out. And we had the dog. And we're just laughing. And it was like we hadn't done this 25 years old. We hadn't done that. It was like most simple, delicious moment that we were like, you know, cracking jokes at certain people. No judgment. We were just being human. And so just 1520 minutes, that we were just like, Okay, let's go home now. And like let's finish ice cream. And like, it was just it was a pure little joy moment where he wasn't stressed and I wasn't stressed and I wasn't busy. And he wasn't busy. And we got to just sit there and enjoy ice cream for just a few minutes and it was great. It was great. So no, you're not wrong. And I like that. I think we should start spiking enjoy or follow your intuition and make choices. You might find a lot more joy in that. Exactly. Yeah.

The joy I had a thought what the hell was my thought now?

Almond Joy because I'm hungry.

Sometimes you feel like yeah, it's definitely Oh, the planning You said, you know that we plan joy. And that's so true. Right? But and I like never really thought of it that way until you said it. But it's so true. You plan when you're going to have fun. Yep. I just look at every experience as how much fun can I make this? Right? Right? You know, it's either, I can totally make this as much fun as I want. Or if it's, you know, an experience that isn't really an awesome experience. It's right. I always say to myself, What do I need to learn from this?

Right? It's no one's giving away grace. So like, letting things happen? Yes, it's fine. But it's super great. Like, I've just started seeing somebody, and I'm just giving them I just let go, thank you. I'm just letting I've just decided to let go of all expectations, and all ideas of what I think I think I know. And really finding pleasure in just like, the conversation and the, and the growth of both of us in a short period of time leading up to, hopefully more important moments that are going to be super authentic to just letting go of expectations. I'm 45. I have a lot of years of Latin lolly. And so I'm, you know, naturally you're gonna start progressing towards this is gonna happen, that's gonna happen, you know, she's gonna mess up here, she's gonna live. And in my mind, I had to go stop doing that. It's not a big deal. It's not a deal breaker, let it just unfold, the truth is always going to come out. So let it happen. And hopefully, the truth is what she's saying. And you know what, and I'm just letting it go. And I feel so much better. Like, I don't even have any worries, I just let it go. And it's great. So

a little bit more joy. Now this, I feel like this is like a shift in perspective for you. Yeah, huge, huge. Has this shift in perspective, like, rolled over into your mediumship? Is it different?

Yeah, because I was very structured in my, in my office, I was like, they come in, they sit down, I have a spiel, which is like, Thank you for having me. Did you get referred here? Are you here for those who passed away need to connect with you here for your guidance, your personal life? And because I was doing it, so I am doing it so often. And then in the last like, two months, I've just kind of decided to like not do that. Like, I always pre read. So I'll sit in my office. And I'll ask questions like, Who are you? Why are you here? What are you coming here for? What does a person come in the office need or on Zoom? Give me that. So when I see you, as you will know, when I see you, I already have a list of things that are already come up what you do address and and who it is for and why it's important to you why it affects you. And then we've talked about who they are, who coming through what role they play, how they died, personality wise, right? So I do that first. But I started to let go of being so structured, I'll always have that the parameters that I want to abide by, because it's a little bit easier, I want to give as much information in that hour as possible. So I'm the guiding is not about my guide is not about getting through it fast. It's about giving you as much as possible for your dollar, you know, I mean, and so I want you to feel like you got your money's worth. And then beyond that, I started letting go of like, I'll sit back and not try to talk to somebody else like no, I have more to say, I have more to say they might have things to say. So I have to let them let them say certain things that they want to discuss. That may not be, you know, the uncle coming through who died in a motorcycle who's upset about the fact that they call it his fault, and it wasn't his fault. You know that that is great. But that's not what they're here for. So I had to know you have five people here, they all have a lot to say, and I wanted to get off my chest. No, that person may just want about their marriage, or their health or their job. So I had to start learning that that wasn't all about me just deciding what I'm going to do and pushing them on them and giving them a ton of dead people information. I have to let let them say what they need to discuss and then I can tap into those who passed away and get answers. Make sense?

Yeah, that makes total sense. Because I can totally see that you know, somebody comes in they're paying you and that's like, that's almost like a that's like a mindset like I can't put the word on the you know, the type of mindset I'm thinking about but it's like the mindset of like, you just need to like regurgitate everything so you're feeling like you're worthy enough to take their to like to receive the money they're giving you for this.

When I pre read and people come through and they have things to say I'm I was at a mindset to where like, the reason why they're coming through is it's very important that we get these things off are there they're crawl because there wasn't closure with dad and they weren't there for so please take it off your shoulders is not a big deal. Like these sorts of things that are health stuff. But sometimes you look Um, to me, and that's great. And it validates, you know what I do for a living, when I tell them certain things that are super private and independent to like that person whose past and that connection with them, but then I'll get through like, maybe 20 minutes, and they're like, I love that you are extremely good at what you do. And thank you so much for giving me 4000 things off jumpstart about these five people that matter to me. However, I have questions about my job. And I'm like, oh, okay, yeah. And even if job is on the list, I won't take it as seriously as like suicide, murder, lack of connection at death, I think that several personal, so I want to get that stuff out. And then we'll go through the what they need. And so I just kind of learned to like I was, you know, if it was you, right, like I want to say this is coming through, if that's not important to you is totally fine. What are you here for, so that way, I can get both things into the same thing, one, and then they can get a little bit of both. Most people come for both, they come for those who pass away, they reconnect with and get messages from them that are super important in private, that no one else knows about. Because people always ask me, do you check social media? Is that a thing you do? It's like, it'd be very easy to do? And my answer is, yeah, I have to do if I have to do coming in here at 7pm at night. And because of some of the things that have happened with males coming in, I love men, I've raised two sons, and I love them. I just have had experiences that make me a little scared. So I want to make sure that that vibe doesn't make me feel like I need to be protected. Because I've actually had happened in here that were very scary. And then if I think I know you from like school or personal life, I'll like look real quick is that the same Cheryl Johnson that I knew. And that's kind of like, I want to like, I want to go off the things that I already know about her. And I want to do stuff that I have no idea. I don't give a shit what you've done in life. I don't care who you miss. I want to be as organic as possible. So that way you walk out of here being like, holy crap. There's all these things that I've never posted on social media that she never would have known about. So that's important to me that that's that's handled first and foremost.

Yeah. Yeah, I feel like like when you just said, you're kind of like just regurgitating what spirits telling you. Right? It's almost like you just had to switch that perspective to this isn't the spirit show? This is the client show. Like they're, you know, they're the ones coming in here and investing in you. Right? So

yeah. People who have really tumultuous families, like I've had, I had an incident about three months ago, one came in and the debt I always know, when spirit will not come in the room. Do I in the lobby of I have the office that something's wrong. Something wrong. And so if they're asking, like Dracula, if they're asking permission to come into the reading something is a mess. So she comes in, sits down, I'm like, I have to ask you, your dad's past and yeah. Okay, well, he's in the lobby. And he needs to know if you can come in here. And she was like, Absolutely not. And I was like, and for. And I've learned these things, as I've been doing this long enough to where there is natural boundaries that are created between her, that spirit and me. And so then she's like, Why do you think that? And I'm like, well, because he's asking me to come in here. And I'm seeing sexual assault. And then she opened up and said he had raped her whole life. And therefore was demanded forgiveness, demand. Oh, she wasn't ready to that's her prerogative. So when I established that he just sat out there the whole time. And then I was able to utilize other people to then escort him so he didn't even follow her home. And we kind of established you're never gonna get forgiveness. That's her choice. And so that's where you live. And once that was established, he was gone. It was like he didn't have any way to penetrate her anymore. And it was kind of a beautiful thing you asked me?

Yeah, yeah. That's gorgeous. I love it. I love it. I love it. Yes. So all right. We're gonna wrap this up, because this was like a whole bunch of conversation. multiple conversations like my head supposable conversations, but it's going to be cool. All these people listening are like just sitting with us having coffee chatting about weird shit. So this is awesome. I love it. Yeah, so just remind everyone again, real quick what your website is so that they can reach out if they want.

Or it's connect with, je and E SSA and also on all social media platforms, you can reach out there too.

Yeah. Amazing. All right. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your time and thoughts with us today. And we'll see everyone in the next episode.


Overcoming Anxiety and Depression with The Naked Philosophy with Vanessa Louise