Mind and Energy Ninja Tricks To Boost Your Manifesting

In episode 96, I give you the low down on how manifesting what you truly want, comes deeply from within. I also share the energetics behind your manifestation and how it relates to science and how our brain works.

  • Where your core values and beliefs come from and how it’s cemented into your subconscious

  • The energetics behind your intention, decisions, and commitment

  • How you can manifest your deepest desires from a higher vibrational match

  • Find out the different ways to integrate and embody new thoughts and habits to get closer to your goals


if you've been hanging out with me, for a while, I love mixing the Wu with the do and that's exactly what this module is going to be about. It's gonna be about the energetics behind your manifestation, and some, maybe some quantum physics in there, and some neuroscience some ways that our brain works. So we're going to kind of get the lowdown on

how manifesting what you truly want, comes deeply from within. But also has a lot to do with science. Like people say, manifesting and science those are go together. Yeah, they do.

Watch this. Stay with me. So we're gonna start off with beliefs and core values. What is a belief? a belief is something that you believe as the Absolute Truth, it is trust faith, or competence in someone or something. Where do we get our beliefs from? They start when we are young, and are usually cemented into our subconscious. By the time we're like seven or eight. And then we can build upon our beliefs as we grow, and we experience life, the world, all of those things. But we have some pretty solid, a pretty solid belief system. By the time were, you know, before the age of 10. So that's, you know, that's pretty intense to think about right there. Because here we are, like, we're walking around here, trying to experience life as a human. Not even realizing that, you know, we, we didn't realize we had the choice to choose our beliefs when we were younger, like they're cemented in so early, that we're running around, like 95% or more of our actions, our ways of being our, um, our habits and our actions, and all of that stuff is on autopilot. And we just do it, because that's just what we believe, right? And then someone like me comes into your life, and it's like, oh, wait a minute, like, did you know that you can change all that? And that, you know, life can be easier. And that shit can flow and things can be pretty fucking awesome when you dig deep, and really question the beliefs that you have? And are they really true for you now? Because when we cement shed into our subconscious by the age of eight, or nine or 10, or whatever age it is that we really solidly believe certain things. Do you really think that they're serving you at like 2030 4050 6070 8090? Like however old you are? Those belief systems that you have, then some of them Yes, they will still serve you like, you know the difference between right and wrong, hot and cold? Are we safe? Are we not safe? Like there are certain things that you know, we don't want to just dip into our subconscious and change everything around because we just don't. It would not serve us we want to change the beliefs that no longer serve us any longer. That made sense. Write that don't serve us any longer and most of those are have to do with self worth self esteem money relationships love things like that. So like all the big shit where we are struggling through life going What the hell Why isn't this working that are the those are the things that you can you can change those you can change the beliefs that you have now about things to what you want it just takes some work and you know while you can do it alone It's way easier to do it with somebody else who has you know been there done that got the T shirt or you know a group of friends that will support you and help you and guide you to you know, a place that will serve you going forward. Okay, I could go on and on about beliefs for a very long time. But let's talk about core values. What is a core value? a core value is a practice or a way of being that we use or are every day it's an innate way

of being so some of my core values are connection empowerment spirituality, family integrity, things like that. So like I can talk to anybody and there are also a lot of many people that I find

just are drawn to me to talk to me or to I had a woman one time at a car dealership I didn't know this woman at all We were just both outside at the same time and you know you're being friendly you say hi and you know whatever because you're standing in the same space and she just kind of went on to tell me kind of everything that was going on in our life right now but I was like oh, okay and it's not like the first time that's happened it's it happens a lot even you know growing up with friends or you know whatever it's just always been a part of me that I seem to be magnetizing to people to come to to talk to so connection and I love connecting with people period like I would much rather be in front of you guys listening to this like face to face than behind a screen but it is what it is so what are your innate ways of being what do you practice? Or you know otherwise they do because do is more like an action but it's it's just a way of being that you are in the world all the time. And now what the hell do these have to do with manifestation and Moon energy so this is where all the good stuff comes in. your beliefs are the catalysts for the energy that you put behind your manifestations they are what derive your thoughts your words your actions in order to call in what you want so if what you are trying to manifest opposes your beliefs are core values, which your core values are pretty they are you know they just are innate in you that there's I can't say for definite that you cannot change core values, but I would say that they are you're like born with those you're not born with a belief system. But core values kind of come with your soul is how I feel. So that and let me just say that that is another reason why. Like, if you were to get hypnotized, or if you went to someone for hypnosis or hypnotherapy or something like that, like they would not be able to make you do something that goes against your values. Because they are so like, they're like DNA, like, in their right they're like in your DNA and you'd like just can't I can't even say you just can't change your DNA because that's, you know, possible to, but they're very innate. So somebody that is, you know, that you go to as a, you know, hypnotherapist or you go to get hypnosis or whatever, like you clucking, like a chicken on the stage, like, this isn't going against your core values. But somebody couldn't make you like, you know, hurt somebody or steal something or, you know, be a complete asshole if that's not, if that goes against your core values. So if you're trying to manifest and your belief system goes against your you're, you know, your core values, or what you're trying to manifest opposes your beliefs, your manifestation will most likely not materialize. So we believe to receive, if your manifestation is not coming to light, and you have tried everything, and you're like, I just don't understand, then it's time to dig a little deeper. It's time to be like, Okay, what do I really think about actually having this thing that I want? Because that there's an answer there, start getting really curious about why you, you're, you feel like you're unable to call this thing in.

So the energetics behind your intention, decision and commitment is the second part of this. And this is like mindset, and energy. So are you manifesting with a scarcity mindset? Or are you manifesting with a growth mindset? So scarcity mindset is, like desperation? Like maybe your intentions are worded in a way that is of a scarcity mindset? And I'll we'll go into that in a minute. Or are you like forward thinking your manifestations in a growth mindset, like, I know, here's where I am. Now, I'm super grateful for where I am now. And I cannot wait to get to this place. And I think everything that has gotten me to here, and I think everything that is going to get me there. And then there is fear versus determination. So fear can go both ways. And fear is also relative, like all of this is relative reality is relative. Right? So that's a whole nother rabbit hole that I don't want to go down right now in this, but feel free to, you know, join me in the membership, and we will definitely go down that rabbit hole if you'd like. But fear versus determination. So are you afraid of having what you want? Are you trying to manifest something out of fear? Or is it determination? Like, I've made this decision, this is what I want. This is why I want it, I know why I want it and I know what it's going to bring to bring me or like external things to not bring you happiness. So I don't want you to mistake when I say it like that. But the determination that you will have this no matter what it is a belief, right? Going back to that it is a belief that you will have it. It is not. It's like a it is competence. It is a confident, determinate determination that you are going to have what you want instead of the fear based belief that you know you don't really want this thing For you think you want this thing, but you're actually afraid of having this thing, which now means that you have to just heal something or there are beliefs that aren't serving you anymore. And then there are there are boundaries, right? We have to make sure we set up our boundaries. What will I accept? What will I not accept. And then there's balance. Just like this beautiful image, I wish I knew who created this image, so I could credit them for you, but I don't, but I love it. There is balance. We are human, we have feelings, we have emotions. We cannot. We can be positive all the time. But we don't want to go into toxic positivity, right? We don't want to stuff our emotions down and pretend to be positive, because we think that being positive is going to bring us what we want. Because actually, it's doing the exact opposite. When you do that, it's actually repelling what you want. Because the universe knows your energy, your feelings, your frequency, your vibration. And then there's the law of attraction. Which is like attracts like. So are you vibrating at the frequency of what you want. And this all comes down to the feelings and energy in your body. Which come through you through your mind through your words, through your actions, through your thoughts through all of those things. So see how this is all kind of tying them together. Alright, so how do our minds work? Your mind does what you tell it to. It is a supercomputer. You think your thoughts nobody else thinks your thoughts like there isn't a little dude running around up there going, I'm going to press this button and make her think this today on the press that button and make them think this today.

That doesn't happen. It does what you tell it you like think of it as a computer and you are the programmer. It only understands the tangible part of your thought. So I'm just going to keep going here because it will all tie in in a minute. Your brain is also completely neutral and does not understand positive and negative. Like I said, which are relative anyways. Your subconscious works from your energetics, it is the feeling part of your brain high vibe or low vibe. It understands your thoughts through images. Most of us I have seen some articles. And people say that they don't see images in their head or they don't have an inner voice like in their head. And if you're one of those people, please let me know. Because, you know, I would love to talk and figure out how to help you better. So understanding your, your subconscious understands your thoughts through images, images make us feel. Now you're conscious of the things that you are conscious of, is the logical part of your brain. Any thoughts, dreams or desires you have go through the logical part of your brain first, and either get accepted or rejected based on your beliefs, past experiences and outcomes. This is like the fight flight or freeze. So here's what kind of happens. You have a thought you have a dream or a desire. It goes to the logical part of your brain first, right? The logical part of your brain then sends a signal to like your subconscious and it's like Hey, hey, do we believe this? like is this fit into our belief system? And your subconscious, like will either pop it back and be like, nope, doesn't fit. Or it will be like, yeah, yeah, bring this in, like we'll do this. So if it's popping it back out, and it's something that you really want, then there's beliefs that need to be looked at. Things that may need to be healed or shifted or changed.

So what are you really saying when you say things? Sorry, had to pause for one second. So if you heard the recording in progress, that is why Alright, so what you are really saying, when you say I am sick of being broke,

that's a low vibe energy. And you get back what you put out. like attracts like the law of attraction, right? You just told your mind that you are sick. So what do you think happens when you tell yourself that couple things could happen, you could actually get sick or your immune system now like pumps into overdrive going like what were sick, what were what what happened. Now I'm not saying that that's gonna happen. Like if you say that every once in a while or whatever, but you're saying that constantly to yourself or to somebody else or other people. You're constantly telling anything that comes after I am. You are You are declaring that as truth that you are declaring that as an identity. And so we want to really make sure that what comes after I am is what you really want to be. So, by using the word broke, what happens the images that flashed through your mind could be things like an empty wallet, an empty bank account, you not having enough money to go out. And instead you're sitting home alone watching Netflix? Which what happens that like makes you bombed out. Like that lowers your vibration lowers your frequency. So what's gonna happen? That's exactly what you're gonna get. What you just asked for, by you saying, When somebody says to you, what do you really want? Like what you know, do you want do you how do you want to make money? What do you you know, what do you want to do about your situation? And you respond with, I'm sick of being broke. That is not telling anybody anything. That's telling you that you're sick, and you're broke. So apparently, today is the day for interruptions. But anyways, yeah, you don't want to use anything after I am that is not what you actually want.

So how do we change it you really need to choose what you do want which is at a higher vibration. And that brings you to a higher vibrational match. So if you don't have something right now and you want something usually that something is at a higher vibration.

So when you're choosing what you do want, what's happening is your energy is lifting to the vibration that the thing you want is at so you are vibrationally matching your frequency to what you want and your decision to have it so you need to decide that you will have it we talked about this a little bit a second ago with the boundaries decide. making a decision puts your mind into action. And it tells it what to go look for. It tells it it's like the the heat seeking rocket. It's the that is the switch that flips your mind from non manifesting machine to Holy shit. Heat seeking rocket manifesting machine and then you need to take inspired action towards your goal. intention or manifestation. Because regardless of what the secret says, you cannot sit in your recliner in your bathrobe pretending you're driving a Lamborghini and have it show up on your, in your driveway. It doesn't work that way. And you can't meditate your way to it. There has to be action. It's just the way it works. inspired action towards your goal, what do you want? So choose, decide and take action.

So what are some ways that you can integrate and embody your new thoughts and habits. And this is just a short list, please add to this list, tweak this list, do whatever you'd like to this list. But this is what I know. Works for me. And you know if some of these it, let me tell you this, if some of these things you're like, Oh, hell no, Jeunesse, I'm not doing that. Ask yourself why, first? Why, why don't we want to do that? What do you think is going to happen? If you do do that? What do you think will happen? If you didn't do that? Be curious about your thoughts, especially the ones where you're like, I ain't doing that. Where are they coming from? Why? Super, super curious. be super curious. So number one, and I actually learned this from Katherine's and kina is to rename your to do list to a to manifest list. And I love this, because what are your feelings? What feelings come up in your body? Or, you know, emotions? Or how do you feel when you say, I have a to do list to my alarm? Right, you're like, you don't want to do that. It's low vibe. It's like a low vibration. To Do List, you're like, I have to do it. It's things I need to get done. And it's taking all the time to do all the things and I really just want to go do you know, get my Medicare or take a walk or go play with my kids or whatever, but I have this fucking to do list that I have to do. But when you turn it into a manifest list, oh, and the other thing is for the to do list, it's like only you can do the to do list. That's what it like brings in to your consciousness. These are things I have to do. But when you turn it into a to manifest list, you open it up to all the possibilities of having these things on your to manifest list. Done completed brought in called in, in any way possible. So if you're like, I have to write an entire email sequence for my you know, whatever, my business today. And then your VA calls and it's like, hey, so I had some free time today. And I like started writing your nurture sequence. And you're like, yeah, you know, or you're like, Oh my gosh, this pile of laundry freakin sucks, like I'm saying that because I'm like looking at a pile of laundry in my room right now. But I just started doing so you're like this pile of laundry socks and I have to get it done. And it's on my to do list. You put it on your to manifest list. And it's so super possible that somebody else may just come and help you do your laundry. Like you are opening possibilities for other ways of getting these things done. So number two is five times 55. And I also learn this from somebody else too, but I don't remember who it was. I do know that Katherine's and kina does use this as well but it wasn't her but thank you to both of you are doing Because while my hand does hurt and get tired after writing 55 times for five days in a row, it is in graining your intention or manifestation as if it's already done into your being. Don't type this, get out a pen and a piece of paper and write it. It is the act of pen to paper and actually moving your hand to write the words.

That makes the hugest difference. And why is it five times 55? To be honest, I'm not really sure. um maybe it's the numbers but together like 555 I honestly have no idea but I do know that it works. You are doing so many things when you do this, you are like putting this right into your consciousness to and your subconscious because your hand moving and you thinking as you're moving your hand like takes energy, right? And it also is telling your brain like whoa, she really wants to sprint there's a lot like and we're thinking that's a lot like so you're not just writing it, you're thinking it, you're feeling it and you're doing it over and over and over again, which is how do you build a habit you have to do something over and over and over again to build a habit. So number three, dive into your shadows and do the fucking work. I know that shadow work can be unpleasant but this is where your transformation really happens when you dive into the beliefs that you have now that are not serving you any longer and you really look at them and you examine them and there may be things in there that you're like I didn't want to know that like I kind of put that away for a reason maybe there's some trauma maybe there's you know just some shit that you just don't want to look at but I will tell you this, your subconscious will not show you something that you are not ready to heal. Okay, so just do the work go looking at your belief systems what like we talked about before, if there's something specific that you're trying to manifest that is not coming into your reality consistently and that there are patterns where your patterns where are you repeating patterns? Where What are your loops? Be curious about those Why do I keep doing this thing? Let me I'm going to tell you a little story. So when I first started coaching I traded coaching with a woman that did weight loss mindset weight loss coaching and she was obviously really good at her coaching because she she got me to realize like so here's a story I used to love of cooking right love it I grew up with so two sets of grandparents very luckily I get to grew up with but one of them was a my Irish grandmother who learned how to cook from the lake straight from Italy Italian ladies and East Boston and I love Chuck like we did not measure shit we didn't like it was not like that it was like oh we're just gonna make some make some sauce we're gonna we didn't call it gravy because she was Irish just took all the sauce or you know whatever it was but there was always a pinch of this and a dash of that no, whatever. And then you know, I I love to cook for a long time. And then after my first marriage ended, I didn't want to fucking cook at all. I just didn't want to do it. I was like No, like actually made me angry to think about cooking. Which led me to not like eating properly. And like waiting and waiting and waiting to eat because I didn't want to cook and so she has helped me realize that because of some of the trauma I had in my marriage around having dinner on the table every night feeling like I had to cook now it was a chore It was a must do it was a to do right that now I resented it and it kind of it made me angry. So whoa First of all,

I had to go in and look at that like did you think that I wanted to realize that no, I would have been you know, I wouldn't have been really happy about you know, not ever loving cooking again, but I now knew why. So when you do the work, you do the work. Number four, acknowledge, accept and release the thoughts and stories that are no longer serving you. Like we just kind of talked about that so I'm not going to dive into that again. But that is pretty much doing the Shadow Work. And then number five, practice conscious intentional decision making. This one's hard one well, it can be a hard one if you if you haven't done it because we make decisions on autopilot 95% of our decisions are made on autopilot based on the belief systems that we have. So practicing conscious intentional decision making takes some practice but when you make the decision and you take the action you focus your energy and then you get the support if you need it so if you need help with whatever the decision was or the action is then you get it like getting help is not weak Let's stop normalizing that So in conclusion, everything is intertwined and it all starts with your beliefs which feed the energy to become your thoughts then the feelings and then the emotions which drive your actions and create habits say that 10 times fast so really what you focus on grows right now I've seen this quote from a couple of different people um and it's pretty much kind of what I just said but like who better to say a thing Gandhi right so your beliefs become your thoughts your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny that values part I'm still a little on the fence about that one but

anyway anyways, in conclusion, everything is intertwined and it all starts with the belief system that was ingrained in you by the time you were seven. So are those beliefs really still serving you now? That is it. You have completed the entire three modules of this masterclass and I am so fucking proud of you so you're a total badass now it's up to you what you do with the information but I would love for you to do with that information is Come and join us and you limitless badass membership which is right here in this little link oh I can't see it there Kenya because I just clicked into the thing all right there it is. So it's at this link in my website you spiritual badass comm slash why LBA and I will put that link around this video somewhere as well so that you can see it. Click on it and come join us and just remember what you think becomes your reality. Alright, I'll see you later.


how to be a portal of possibility with james wedmore