amazonite - meaning & properties

If you're a fan of stunning, eye-catching gemstones, then you definitely need to check out Amazonite. This gorgeous green-blue stone is known for its striking color and unique properties, making it a popular choice for jewelry and spiritual practices alike. Here's everything you need to know about Amazonite, from its history to its metaphysical properties.

Where is Amazonite Found?

Amazonite is primarily found in Brazil, but it's also located in other parts of South America, including Peru and Mexico. It can also be found in parts of the United States, particularly Colorado and Virginia. The stone was named after the Amazon River, but it's not actually found in that region.

Physical Properties of Amazonite

Amazonite is a variety of microcline feldspar and is known for its green-blue color. The stone's color is due to the presence of lead and iron in its composition. It has a vitreous luster and a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear.

Healing Properties of Amazonite

In terms of physical healing properties, Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and can help to alleviate physical ailments such as muscle spasms and cramps. It's also believed to promote overall physical well-being and can help to boost the immune system.

Metaphysical Properties of Amazonite

In terms of metaphysical properties, Amazonite is said to be a stone of truth and communication. It's believed to help individuals communicate their thoughts and emotions more clearly, as well as promote understanding and harmony in relationships. Additionally, Amazonite is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

History and Use of Amazonite

Amazonite has a rich history, dating back to ancient civilizations. It was used by the Egyptians as a decorative stone and was also worn by the Assyrians in jewelry. The stone was also popular among the ancient Greeks, who believed it had healing properties.

Associated Zodiac and Chakras

Amazonite is associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo and Aquarius. It's also believed to be connected to the heart and throat chakras, which are associated with communication, healing, and balance.

Amazonite is a beautiful stone with a rich history and unique properties. Whether you're drawn to its striking color or its spiritual and healing properties, there's no denying that Amazonite is a fascinating gemstone that's worth exploring. So why not add a piece of Amazonite jewelry to your collection and see what this magical stone can do for you?



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