how to use the power of fire in a burning bowl ceremony

Guest Blog Post by Danielle Sullivan Reiki Master & Shamanic Healer

Fire is a powerful symbol of wisdom, knowledge, purification and passion. Fire wields the power to create and destroy.

In this blog post, I will explain how to use the power of fire in a burning bowl ceremony. This ancient technique has been used in many ancient and modern day spiritual practices around the globe.

A Burning Bowl Ceremony is a symbolic fresh slate in releasing grudges, negativity, hurt or old resentments to allow space for what is significant for our future. The ritual is as much about change as it is about becoming responsible for our own lives, to make better choices and live a happier life. It is a symbolic practice, performed when someone has the desire and willingness to let go of the things in their life that are detrimental to their well being and hold them back from a future they wish to manifest. 

Burning bowls are also used to manifest. After you have burned away what no longer serves you, there is room for creation. You have released energy and freed up space for more positive, joyful, happier things to take place. 

Although it is common to think about and make changes to our lives during certain occasions, such as the New Year, birthday, anniversary or on the full moon, It is important to remember that everyday is a special occasion. Everyday is full of new opportunities to be alive and work toward creating the best version of yourself. This ritual can be carried out with a group of friends/family or done alone.

How does the ceremony work??

Write down what you want to release on paper. This could be limiting beliefs you have been carrying, behaviors, pain you hold, habits or relationships with other people. Take your time doing this. You may want to do this part a day before you plan on doing the ceremony. Writing what you wish to release prepares you to release them. Describe it as little of as much as you want. It could be a single word or more in depth. Perhaps you wish to write a letter, create a drawing or use a bullet point list. It is completely up to you how you express your feelings or sum up what you want to release. You could make the paper you intend to burn symbolic as well. In the past, I have used tissue paper with butterflies on it. I envisioned that this gave my intentions wings to help carry it away from me. There is no right or wrong way. Do what feels right to you. 

Now, just as you wrote what you wanted to release… write down what you want to bring into your life. What do you want to manifest?  Describe it in detail. Do you want to bring more joy? More self love? More acceptance?  Imagine how you will feel when it arrives. I personally have used paper with tulips on it for writing these intentions. I envisioned that this was me planting the seeds and they would bloom every year. 

Once you have written your intentions, prepare a small fire safely in a fireproof container or fire pit.

Start with what you want to release first. 

As you release the paper into the fire it is important to acknowledge that good or bad, everything happens for a reason. You have learned from these experiences. These experiences have had a positive and/or negative affect and have helped shape your life up to this point. Visualize the smoke taking and releasing as your intentions are carried away. 

Take your time. Feel whatever emotions may come up for you.

Now that you have released what no longer serves you, begin to manifest what you desire in your life.

Visualize the smoke sending your manifestation intentions out to the Universe. In this ceremony, you have set energy in motion. Imagine your intentions are now already on their way to you. 

The end of the ceremony should be a joyous celebration. You have now freed yourself from past experiences and situations that may have caused you sadness, pain or resentment. In the releasing, you have healed yourself and created space for the positive energy you have called upon to come into your life! 

If you use a fireproof container and have ash remains from the ceremony, once cool, you can mindfully scatter them into the wind or deposit them in a moving body of water. 


Danielle Sullivan

Danielle Sullivan offers intuitively guided healing alchemy sessions. Using Lightarian Reiki as a foundation, Danielle then combines all her healing modalities of Holy Fire Reiki, Melchizedek Method Healing, IET, Akashic Records Practitioner and Shamanic Practices to restore balance and the flow of energy to support you in your journey of healing and transformation.

As a child, Danielle did not understand how or why she saw, heard or knew things she could not explain. After several traumatic events in her life, Danielle began to seek deeper answers through shamanic journeying. 

Through these journey’s, Danielle was able to recognize and expand her healing gifts and began her path working with others to empower themselves to reach their highest potential. 

Danielle is passionate about holding the light and accompanying others on their path of healing and self-discovery.

Book a reading or healing with Danielle here!


Danielle Sullivan Shamanic Healer and Reiki Master

Danielle Sullivan offers intuitively guided healing alchemy sessions. Using Lightarian Reiki as a foundation, Danielle then combines all her healing modalities of Holy Fire Reiki, Melchizedek Method Healing, IET, Akashic Records Practitioner and Shamanic Practices to restore balance and the flow of energy to support you in your journey of healing and transformation.

As a child, Danielle did not understand how or why she saw, heard or knew things she could not explain. After several traumatic events in her life, Danielle began to seek deeper answers through shamanic journeying. 

Through these journey’s, Danielle was able to recognize and expand her healing gifts and began her path working with others to empower themselves to reach their highest potential. 

Danielle is passionate about holding the light and accompanying others on their path of healing and self-discovery.

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